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As You Go: Make Disciples

Jan 31, 2021    Pastor Chris Casoni

As we conclude our series reviewing our mission statement (Glorify God, Love People, Make Disciples) it is fitting for us to count the cost of being a disciple and making disciples. Salvation cost you nothing, but discipleship is costly. Salvation happens in a moment, but discipleship is a lifetime commitment. Salvation is a work that God did for you. Discipleship is something you do with God. In Luke 14, Jesus uses strong language and parables to open the eyes of his followers to the hard reality of what it means to follow Him. Our aim this morning is know what we are called to as disciples that we may graciously make true disciples of Jesus.

// Small Group Questions

1. What did God teach you through this passage and sermon? Share the work of God in your heart with the group.

2. What questions did this passage and sermon raise in your mind? This would be a great opportunity as a group to use the Ask a Pastor feature and that way we can address it either directly or in the messages in the future.

3. If someone is considering becoming a Christian and asks you what they will have to give up, what would you say?

4. What things have you surrendered to follow and obey Jesus? (Examples: a job, hobbies, relationships, loyalties, habits, opportunities, etc.)

5. How will you commit to Glorify God, Love People, and Make Disciples 'As You Go' this year? Spend time praying for one another's commitments.