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Women's Ministries


The purpose of Women’s Ministries is to be sensitive to and meet the needs of the women in our own church body and to establish and maintain teaching and encouragement ministries. We also have a burden to reach out to the community around us and believe several of our activities will promote that goal. If you would like to be involved in any ministry listed here, please get in touch with the contact person.
Contact the Women's Ministry leader for more details.

Bible Studies for Women

Join the committed worshipping community of women at Calvary Bible Church!

Wednesday morning Bible study, 9am Derry
Wednesday evening Bible Study, 6:30pm (during AWANA), CBC Conference room
Thursday morning Moms Study, 9am, CBC Library
In His Word online study with Gay Daigle (email Women's Ministries for details)
Life Group for Women (see Life Groups for details)

Other Activities

There are many opportunities for the women of CBC to get involved and serve others.  See opportunities below, or contact our Women's Ministries for more details.
Heart to Heart
Heart to Heart is a program that has been successful in developing supportive friendships between older and younger women. Titus 2:3-5 places the responsibility for teaching and discipling younger women upon mature, godly women. There are important reasons for this. First, women understand women. They have gone through the same experiences and felt the same emotions. Moreover, sympathetic listening and godly counsel is always an encouragement. The experience, empathy, maturity, and spirituality of older women create an enormously powerful reservoir of untapped, God-given strength from which the church can benefit and should utilize.
Are you looking to use your gift of hospitality to bless others?  The CBC Women's Hospitality team arranges for provision of food for visiting groups, funerals, and memorial services.
Stitching With Purpose
2nd & 4th TUESDAYS @ 9-11am
2nd Tuesday: at CBC Fellowship Hall
4th Tuesday: at a member's home

Stitching With Purpose (SWP) meets on the 2nd Tuesday of most months in fellowship hall for sewing and the 4th Tuesday of the month at our homes for knitting and crocheting.  We make baby blankets for Real Options, missionary Christmas gifts, chemo caps, and more!  Email Women's Ministries for details.
Child care is not provided.
Other Events
Stay tuned to our Events Page for upcoming special events!

College Kids Care Package Ministry Opportunity

This ministry is intended to encourage our Calvary college students with a card and care package to be delivered before their finals. We want to bless students that are a part of Calvary, whether they are boarded at school or commute from home. These packages are put together and sent by you and will be received by the students before their finals.

This is how this works...
Sign up a student to RECEIVE a care package. You may sign up yourself as a student, or your parent/guardian may do so.
Sign up to SEND a care package. You can send as an individual, a family, or can be a great thing to do as a small group! In signing up, you are responsible for including a thoughtful note, purchasing the items and then shipping the package.  Some ideas for items...candy, gum, baked goods, laptop decals, water bottles, travel mug, small games, cases (jewelry/accessories), lip balm, gift cards for coffee, etc.

The last day to sign up to send or receive will be March 23rd.

Women's Ministries will thoughtfully match a sender/sender group with a student and get all information to you no later than March 30th. Packages are to be sent before Easter (April 20th) so they may be blessed before their finals.  Questions? Feel free to contact Tracie Durant at [email protected] or cell: 603-770-8299. Thank you for your consideration in helping to bless our college students!

Sign up for Future Ladies Day Apart Invites

Many have asked about LADIES DAY APART 2025. So … please mark your calendars for our 31st YEAR of Exalting God and Encouraging Women
May 16th or 17th, 2025
With guest speaker, Katie Davis Majors

"Hi there, I’m Katie – wife to my best friend, mama to my 15 favorite humans. I love Jesus and I love sharing what He is teaching me in the mundane minutes of ordinary life. Whether we're in Uganda, America, or somewhere in-between, my family and I invest our lives in discipling the people God puts in our paths. I get to be the founder of an amazing Ministry called Amazima and an author of some books that have done pretty well as far as the New York Times is concerned, but on the average day, I am just a mom, a wife, a daughter and a friend, doing my best to press into Jesus and praying to become more like Him in the chopping of vegetables and the teaching of spelling words and the ministry of doing life with people.
God teaches me through words – His Word, the words of others, and the words He lays upon my heart. I pray you will find great encouragement to seek Him and trust Him above all."

To learn more about Katie, please go to her website: