Worship Service @10 AM!
Please know if you are unable to join us in person, you may join us for the LIVE STREAM of our worship service!
Connect using our church app, our website, or FaceBook live!
This Week's Sermon:
Kingdom Living
Matthew 6:19-34
Click here for the Sermon Outline.
Click here for the Small Group questions.

9:00 am Life Groups classes for All Ages
10:00 am Worship Service (Worship Ctr.)
Junior Church (Children's Wing)
11:00 am Coffee & Refreshments
11:15 am Library Open
1:00 pm Pickleball
5:00 pm Recharge
6:30 pm Mens Pure Desire
6:00 am Mens Prayer
(Church Foyer)
10:00 am Renew Open to the Public
6:30 pm Mens Pure Desire
9:00 am Womens Bible Study
(Linda Illian's Home)
6:00 pm Divorce Care (Library)
6:30 pm Awana
6:30 pm Small Group
(Youth Center)
9:30 am Moms Bible Study
10:00 am Renew Open to the Public
6:30 pm Worship Team Rehearsal
(Worship Center)
9:00 am Men's Basketball

Ways you can be involved at CBC...

You are invited to join us This Saturday, March 22nd at Noon in Fellowship Hall, for a Spring picnic potluck luncheon! Hope to see you there!

Our 31st annual Ladies Day Apart is scheduled for May 16th or 17th, 2025! Click here for all the details. Friday is SOLD OUT! There are still a few tickets left for Saturday. Get yours soon!
LDA 2025 - Volunteers Needed
If you are a CBC lady and a member, we need you! We have various volunteer positions needed for LDA this year. If you are interested in helping, please reach out to Jessica Clater jjordanclater@gmail.com (603) 548-0769
Men of CBC! We need YOU!
If you would like to help with LDA set up click here to sign up for Monday May 12th at 5:30pm. Please contact Ron Poitras with any questions.

Last days to sign up! College Kids Care Package Ministry Opportunity!
This ministry is intended to encourage our Calvary college students with a card and care package to be delivered before their finals. We want to bless students that are a part of Calvary, whether they are boarded at school or commute from home. These packages are put together and sent by you and will be received by the students before their finals.
This is how this works…
CLICK HERE to get all the information on sending OR receiving a package.
You can send as an individual, a family, or can be a great thing to do as a small group! In signing up, you are responsible for including a thoughtful note, purchasing the items and then shipping the package.
Some ideas for items…candy, gum, baked goods, laptop decals, water bottles, travel mug, small games, cases (jewelry/accessories), lip balm, gift cards for coffee, etc.
The last day to sign up to send or receive will be March 23rd.
Women’s Ministries will thoughtfully match a sender/sender group with a student and get all information to you no later than March 30th. Packages are to be sent before Easter, April 20th, so they may be blessed before their finals.
Questions? Feel free to contact Tracie Durant at womens.ministry@cbcderry.org or cell: 603-770-8299. Thank you for your consideration in helping to bless our college students!
NEW! Womens Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study - BACK AT LINDA’S HOUSE – 6 Meadowbrook Dr, Derry, Wednesdays, 9-11 AM, all ladies welcome
These will be stand-alone studies and sharing time from our own special women.
Come and see how God is working in the lives of our own ladies, open the Word of God, enjoy fellowship, Bible Study, and prayer time.
3/26 – Cathy Cuneo, 4/2 – Lori Grant, 4/9-Mary Charron, 4/16 – JoyAnn Zember
Call Lori Wood with any questions 603-490-0596
NEW! Ladies Book Discussion Night: Thursday, May 8th @6:30pm
We will be discussing the book, Kisses from Katie, A story of Relentless Love and Redemption by Katie Davis Majors, our upcoming Ladies Day Apart (LDA) speaker!
This book was written in 2011, and is Katie’s own story as a courageous 18-year-old from Nashville, who gave up every comfort and convenience to become the adoptive mother to 13 girls in Uganda! It’s a moving and inspiring memoir. And a great way to get a more familiar with our LDA speaker.
Here is how to join us…
- Purchase the book, either new, used, kindle, or audio version. You can find the book on Amazon, Christian Book Distributors, etc.
- Read the book and be ready to discuss on May 8th.
- We will meet at the home of Tracie Durant, 19 Taylor Brook Lane, Derry, NH. Please let Tracie know by May 1st if you plan to attend. Light refreshments will be served. For questions or RSVP: womens.ministry@cbcderry.org or 603-770-8299 (cell).
Hope to see you there! 😀

Pickleball is on for this coming Sunday MARCH 23rd in the Calvary Gym 1-3pm!
I will be gone this week on a work trip- Nate Burgoyne (my husband and worship pastor at Calvary) will be running pickleball!!
Sign up here:
See who is signed up here:
Bring: your own paddle!
ONE time fee: if you are able, please pay $5 (will cover nets, balls, portable lines)- only need to pay the first week you come (not every time). Cash or Venmo
How many spots? We have 3 nets...first come, first served! Form will deactivate after max amount of sign ups reached
Nate Burgoyne and Shannon Burgoyne
978-660-1240 and 860-841-6790
NEW! Facilities Communication Change
We are thankful for the wonderful facility God has blessed Calvary with.
Sometimes, there are issues that arise with the facility. If you notice something that needs to be repaired or needs attention, you will no longer contact the facilities coordinator directly, instead please use this link to report the issue.
Thank you!