Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here!
RECHARGE Youth Ministries is for all students 6th grade – 12th grade. We are a group of teens and leaders who desire to grow in their faith and advance the Gospel for God's glory.
We meet Sunday evenings from 5pm-7pm. Come enjoy an awesome night with other teens where we'll have games, snacks, praise and worship, small group discussions, and a challenging and relevant lesson.
Special Events: We regularly host special events outside of our regular meeting times. These special events include: Snow Camp, Camping trip, Day at Canobie Lake Park, Green Night, Christmas Party, opportunities to serve with our church and community, as well as times to hang out, eat pizza, and play games.
We meet Sunday evenings from 5pm-7pm. Come enjoy an awesome night with other teens where we'll have games, snacks, praise and worship, small group discussions, and a challenging and relevant lesson.
Special Events: We regularly host special events outside of our regular meeting times. These special events include: Snow Camp, Camping trip, Day at Canobie Lake Park, Green Night, Christmas Party, opportunities to serve with our church and community, as well as times to hang out, eat pizza, and play games.

Follow us on social media for updates, announcements, and upcoming events. Seriously. There will be good stuff there and you won't want to miss it!

Check out our calendar and join us for regular meetings and special events.