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Walking in the Spirit-filled Life

Aug 16, 2020    Pastor Ron Poitras

This week we will examine what it looks like to walk with and be filled by the Holy Spirit. Our journey takes us to Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Earlier in his writing to the Galatians, Paul stresses that we are justified by faith, but then he moves the conversation to an ethical one concerning morality. With precision, Paul addresses the fact that the solution to the passions of the flesh are not more laws, but the Holy Spirit who transforms us from the inside out.

// Small Group Questions

1. What did God teach you through this passage and sermon? Share the work of God in your heart with the group.

2. What questions did this passage and sermon raise in your mind? This would be a great opportunity as a group to use the Ask a Pastor feature and that way we can address it either directly or in the messages in the future.

3. How does Paul’s command to “walk in the Spirit” result in not gratifying the flesh?

4. What are ways that we focus living our lives, so they look good externally rather than maturing internally?

5. According to Paul, how does one walk and be filled by the Spirit?