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The Holy Spirit – God with Us

Aug 2, 2020    Pastor Ron Poitras

This message begins a 4-part series focused on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. In this first message, we will learn about who the person of the Holy Spirit is, his purpose, and his presence in the life of the believer. The Holy Spirit is one of the least understood persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

// Small Group Questions

1. What did God teach you through this passage and sermon? Share the work of God in your heart with the group.

2. What questions did this passage and sermon raise in your mind? This would be a great opportunity as a group to use the Ask a Pastor feature and that way we can address it either directly or in the messages in the future.

3. How do the Scriptures help you understand who the person of the Holy Spirit is?

4. Why is it important to understand the purpose of the Holy Spirit, first in the context of our passage in John’s day, and then in our today?

5. How does the presence of the Holy Spirit encourage us as a Helper, Comforter, and Advocate today?