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Intercession for the Faithful in the Midst of Suffering

Jun 14, 2020    Pastor John D Talley III

In II Thessalonians 1:11-12, we take a look at the importance of prayer and living to the glory of God as we wait for the greater glory after the return of Jesus.

// Small Group Questions

1. What did God teach you through this passage and sermon? Share the work of God in your heart with the group.

2. What questions did this passage and sermon raise in your mind? This would be a great opportunity as a group to use the Ask a Pastor feature and that way we can address it either directly or in the messages in the future.

3. Since our prayer efforts should match our physical efforts in the ministry, how does this affect the way we approach ministry opportunities?

4. What are the ramifications of making our prayer focus to be on the character of Christ being established rather than relief from the afflictions of life?

5. Discuss together the significance of Christ being glorified in us (trophies of His grace Eph. 2:4-9) and how this should impact our lives daily.